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Taking forward our paediatric cardiac interventions, did a large 22mm Ostium Secundum ASD closure using 24 mm Septal occluder in a 9-year-old child weighing 17kg only. The child was discharged 24 hours after the procedure in a stable state.

We support you to thwart any pediatric heart ailment and provide you with the best and most affordable care at every step of regaining your health.

-Dr Amitoz Baidwan

Why a Pediatric Cardiologist?

Pediatric Cardiologist is specialized in diagnosing and managing congenital heart diseases from Foetus to Adulthood. He is also involved in the management of acquired heart diseases in pediatric population such as Heartfailure, Cardiomyopathy, Arrhythmias, Kawasaki disease and MICS (Postcovid).

He is involved in delineating the Anatomy of the heart, assessing the hemodynamic effects in congenital heart disease and deciding when and how to correct the lesion, i.e. by catheter-based intervention (non-surgical method) or surgically.

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Pediatric cardiologists work closely with primary care pediatricians , Pediatric intensivist, Neonatologist,  to provide coordinated and comprehensive care to children with complex congenital heart diseases  and sick children with multiorgan failure .

Choose The Best Treatment For Your Child


Pediatric and

Neonatal Echo

An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves (ultrasound) to create images of the heart..

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Today fetal cardiology is a subspecialty of pediatric cardiology,



Pediatric and

Neonatal EKG

In order to rule out rhythm disorders in children EKG is required...

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Pediatric cardiac Consultation

Children with cardiac conditions require expert advise from Pediatric cardiologist...

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Foetal Arrhythmia management

Many fetuses develop abnormal electrical activity in utero leading to increased heart beat...



Is a specialized test in which rhythm of heart is recorded for 24 hour period and in some cases...

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Pediatric Cardiac cases medical management

There are numerous pediatric cardiac conditions which needs to medical managed...

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Foetal cardiac consulation

Foetus with any abnormality in foetal heart whether structural, functional or abnormal...

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Pediatric Cardiac interventions

In today's era a large number of congenital heart defects can be corrected non surgically...

Live Healthy Stay Healthy from Childhood

Do you Part Care your child's heart with us.

Symptoms that might Indicates a Health Problem in Children & Neonates

Difficulty in breathing
sweating over the forehead
weight gain
chest infections
increased heart beat and cyanosis

What Says our Patients

Excellent! Always has enough time to talk through my child related issues and to set out choices and options. Doesn’t mind my questions and understands my worries. I would recommend him wholeheartedly Thankyou Dr Amitoz Baidwan for your convinient help.

Payal Romeio

My experience with Dr. Amitoz has been quite “life changing”. He is wonderful at explaining everything relating to my Child condition, and I would not hesitate in recommending him to anyone. He is certainly one of the best health professionals I have ever dealt with.

Sunil Sachdeva

I would like to thank Doctor Amitoz for curing my son of chest pain After it had reached intolerable levels and having had a failed ablation in 2019 resulting in chest Pain, I asked in December 2020 for a referral to Doctor Amitoz for a consultation .

Abhishek Kumar

Dr Amitoz appears to be highly knowledgeable and competent in his field. His approach is collaborative, engaging the patient in the decision making process and taking the time to explain the evidence properly so that an informed decision can be made. 

Nidhi Uppal

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